October 2004

JavaScript Test Suite

mozilla.org's JavaScript Test Library which can be used to test the implementations of JavaScript in browsers ranging from Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, to Internet Explorer, Opera and Konqueror. [ 2004-10-03, Modified 2005-06-07 ]

Web Developer Boot Camp

A short course in some of the basic concepts and technologies used in developing content for the web. It is not intended to be self-contained nor complete, but is intended to provide some basic pointers on how to develop cross-browser web content while at the same time providing pointers to more complete references for further study. The intended audiences are beginning to intermediate web developers who are interested in developing content which supports by the Mozilla-family of web browsers such as Mozilla Seamonkey and Mozilla Firefox. [ 2004-09-26 ]

Architecture - Web Developer Boot Camp

Understanding at least a little of the architecture of the web is important in order to properly develop web content. The Internet consists of interconnected computers running programs which communicate with each other. The Web consists of client

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