test262.ecmascript.org shootout

Dave Fugate of Microsoft announced an update to test262.ecmascript.org, the test suite for ECMAScript 5. I thought I would check it out. Internet Explorer 9 was tested on 32bit Windows Vista, while the others were all tested on Mac OS X 10.5.

Browser Tests To Run Total Tests Ran Pass Fail Failed To Load
Internet Explorer 9 10456 10456 10439 17 0
Firefox 4.0 10456 10456 10155 301 0
Chrome 10 10456 10456 9959 497 0
Safari 5.0.4 10456 10456 9156 1300 72
Opera 11 10456 10456 6905 3551 66

The test suite looks very cool. Kudos to everyone involved in creating test262!