definition lists - browser comparison
CSS2 8.1 Box dimensions tells us that margins are transparent while paddings have background-color.
Default List Notes
- Gecko/IE6
Shows the background-color of the dl for the marker area - uses margin to indent definition items.
- Opera7
Shows the background-color of the dl for the marker area - uses margin to indent definition items.
Has different margin setting than Gecko/IE6
- Navigator 4
Does not show the background-color of the dl for the indented area.
Shows the color/background-color of the dl as the color/background-color of the dt and dd instead of the defined values.
Compatible List Notes
- Gecko/IE6/Opera7
Adjustments achieve xb appearance
- Navigator 4
No effect on color/background-colors of margin/padding however removes the indentation of the list. These rules should be excluded from NN4