Firefox 1.5

Bob Clary



Important updates to Firefox.

Firefox has been updated to version 1.5.

Firefox 1.5 is a major update of the Gecko engine and contains many improvements to the user experience over Firefox 1.0. All users of Firefox and Mozilla should upgrade to Firefox 1.5. For more information, see the release notes:

Please check for additional information.

How did you get here?  You are here either because you intentionally loaded this page, or because the JavaScript scripts on and redirected you here.

The scripts check the rv value of Gecko browsers and redirects the visitor to this page if the rv is less than 1.8 and if the updatemsg cookie has not already been set. If you block cookies entirely, you will not be able to browse or using a pre 1.8 Gecko build. I apologise for any problems this may cause, however the importance of the updates outweighs the inconvenience in my opinion.

Cookie settings.  You can access the site if you enable session cookies. These cookies only live for the current session and are deleted when you exit the browser.

  • Firefox

    Tools->Options->Privacy->Cookies - select Keep Cookies until I close Firefox

  • Mozilla|SeaMonkey

    Tools->Cookie Manager->Allow Session Cookies from this site

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